Why are solutions developed by Edhen & Partners more sustainable?

Our holistic and science-based approach, efficiently contributes to sustainable development and delivers high-quality consulting services.
Science-based permaculture is hard to find
Edhen offers a powerful mix of world-class scientific research and practical design & development know-how. This combination is hard to find in today’s specialized world. Our science-based approach, allows us to provide you with complementary and highly efficient consulting services.
Edhen & partners provide integrated services
Edhen supports the development and implementation of your regenerative projects. Based on the long-term experience of our consultants and local partners, we are able to apply a set of skills in different thematic areas. In order to identify the best solutions for your context.
Edhen projects start with holistic evaluation and success is monitored
We carry out holistic needs assessments and develop action plans for greater impact of measurable development interventions. After project implementation regular evaluation, learning and adaption is key for long-term success. We apply transparent and scientifically based methods, to evaluate both the development of people’s livelihoods and the health of the landscapes.
Edhen’s solutions are low cost
With limited number of staff in Europe and maximum capacity building in the global-south. Our low-input practices and technologies reduce the investments both for the investors as well as for the local communities. For example, productive agroforests, composting, water harvesting/ recycling and renewable energy systems are not only more sustainable but also reduce the costs on the long-term.
The best example is planting trees
While the design and establishment process requires time and investments, planting trees is one of the most sustainable development interventions. From the perspective of the donor, the local population, the ecosystems and the climate.
Open-source & capacity building: We co-produce knowledge and share it freely
With every project we support, our local partners coordinate further co-learning and exchange. We coach project and program teams and facilitate open-source knowledge sharing networks.
Ownership & self-sufficiency are key for sustainable development
We don’t bring solutions, but we facilitate local efforts to develop context-specific solutions. Towards ecological and self-sufficient farming and housing systems.