Evaluation, Design & Management Services




We restore landscapes & co-design productive farming systems

We support the integration of trees into agricultural landscapes, in the context of achieving the SDGs and Paris Agreement commitments.

We co-design regenerative farming systems and, wherever possible, agroforestry systems. To significantly increase food production, while conserving biodiversity through wildlife corridors and links with existing ecology.

When we look at the various land-use opportunities, we believe agroforestry is the most promising strategy. It’s a multifunctional land-use system that can provide a wide range of economic, sociocultural and environmental benefits. It can i) contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, ii) restore watersheds, landscapes, biodiversity and soils, iii) increase farm productivity (yields/ha) and diversify the farming enterprise.

Edhen uses agroforestry as one of the key tools in her development cooperation. Our support is needed as the challenge with agroforestry is that it requires know-how & investments, mainly during the establishment phase.

Agroforestry design, project planning and implementation is complex. Mainly with regard to the large timescales over which trees and crops interact and the interactions with the broader watershed. The objective is to optimize the complementarity above and below ground for light, water and nutrients. In line with the efficient production of multiple products including food, fiber and fuel, as well as income, shade and other ecosystem services. Hence, a successful design requires a comprehensive understanding of the overall system.

Our design services build on transdisciplinary collaboration, including latest scientific findings and local farmers’ experience. For example in identifying the optimal tree-crop-livestock combination.

Agroforestry & related solutions:

  • Aroforestry design
  • Keyline Design for water and soil conservation
  • Landscape restauration
  • Restoring soil and soil organisms
  • Composting
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Integrated Pest Management
  • Greenhouse design
  • Edible Landscaping
  • Earthworks for dams, ponds, swales
  • Mechanization, appropriate technologies
  • Rain gardens, wetland agriculture & aquaculture
  • Biodiversity conservation, wildlife gardens
  • Drip irrigation
  • Mushroom production
  • Market garden design
  • Economic growth, product processing